A lot of improvement,
A lot of Up, DOWN, up, UP, & UP again..
Even there is still a DOWN,
But i guess this is what life is it. Agree?
Love myself as i always do..
Love my far far away but my family that always make me feel so close..
Love all my friends, Love the path i have choosen
And whatelse??
Everything in this great life...
I guess as a Marketer,
We will always get to see the truth behind all the lies,
Intended mislead, Facial expression, Tone changing..
Whatever darkness in our life..it will always be part of our life
Just look from another perspective,
Life is great, & maybe this is part of it that make great..
Just keep our self focus & the ability to differentiate right & wrong,
Stand away from the darkness & once think back,
You'll never regret.
OK! End the grandma story
Here it is...
TE DENG....................................
Let me intro my soulmate,

P/s: I love it so so so much...
+oil Dean...
Great Life, Great Future is waiting for me...
No matter how tired it is now...
The fruit of success will be twice sweeter than the hardwork today :)
Good night..