Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
meet my sweet new friends

My new theme song
One can hear the falling snow.
For all is hushed,
The world is sleeping,
Holy Star its vigil keeping.
Still, still, still,
One can hear the falling snow.
Sleep, sleep, sleep,
'Tis the eve of our Saviour's birth.
The night is peaceful all around you,
Close your eyes,
Let sleep surround you.
Sleep, sleep, sleep,
'Tis the eve of our Saviour's birth.
Dream, dream, dream,
Of the joyous day to come.
While guardian angels without number,
Watch you as you sweetly slumber.
Dream, dream, dream,
Of the joyous day to come.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
What did i

Friday, May 7, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
by dean lim chun choong
1. A company requires management beside pure selling process.
The success of a company cannot be achieved just by selling. The process of selling requires the support of various elements; from the sourcing, production until the logistics need to be managed effectively. The growth or improvements of a company have to come from the internal of the company in order to support the front-liner.
2. Using the right strategy and understanding the market needs are critical.
Top management must make sure that manager that lead the team understand market situation. Blind strategies will only leads to dead end. Top management have to go in-depth in order to fully understand the situation of front-liner. Getting information from 3rd party or through meeting is not sufficient to gain insight of the situation.
3. Human asset is one of the most important elements of success.
The best salesman might hunger for more than what they are earning, more than what the company itself can offer. Although not all employees have positive behaviour but the company will still need them to survive. High employee turnover rate will bring the company down and job delay.
4. A challenge will become a disaster if it remains unsolved for too long.
Unsolved problems not only demoralize employee, when the problems remain unsolved for too long, it will become a dead point of the company. Employees will choose to ignore a problem when they have tried a few time to solve the problem but it failed.
5. Objective to be set based on S.M.A.R.T
Unclear and unrealistic objective will only demoralize employee especially the sales force. A target that does not give extra benefits to employees does not give any motivation. It will only demoralize them when they do not able to achieve.
6. Equal revenue distribution to all sales people
When come into a company that have department that selling different types of products and the margin of the products itself has a big gap, imbalance of revenue for the sales person will occur. Imbalance of revenue distribution will make them feel that they do not treated equally and psychologically imbalance
We have internal & external customers within the organization itself. Customer confidence itself are built on experience & agreement that parties involve made. It is a relationship that built on monetary term & a relationship that built on service provided & satisfaction as well. However, when come into internal customers, they are colleagues that you worked with, other employees you eat your lunch with and gossip with. Words spread among these group of people. the way manager handle staff, the ethical of each decision will direct & indirectly influence the employees & have the butterfly effect to the whole business organization.
For my personal hobby, I love Mr.Donald Trump's books. I have quote some phrase from his website to share with you, who reading this. I hope you find it useful ...
He is definitely the kind of Guru I want to learn with. Some basic things yet, it could be super motivational !!
Donald J. Trump has become the most recognized businessman in the world, and the Trump brand is readily acknowledged as representing the gold standard around the globe. As the pre-eminent developer of quality real estate, his acumen is unrivaled, and the diversity of his interests has set a new paradigm in the world of business. His commitment to excellence is legendary, and his work as a philanthropist is an integral part of his ethos. He is the archetypal businessman, and an icon of New York.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I will definitely rate myself "A" for each of the tests
Realized what people might actually feel about me,
Rated value of myself in their heart
Based on my performance...
hmm.... However,
feel kinda tired lately....
The lyrics that fit my emotion & condition
Angel - 天使
Spend all your time waiting - 耗尽你全部精力孤苦寻觅
For that second chance - 只为了一次天使重现的机遇
For a break that would make it okay - 静静的等待突破
There's always some reason - 但为什么总有一些原因
To feel not good enough - 要让我再次感受遗憾
And it's hard at the end of the day - 临近午夜总是那么悲凉
I need some distraction - 我需要一些慰藉
Oh beautiful release - 哦,就像天使般的美丽
Memories seep from my veins - 记忆从我的心底缓缓流溢
And may be empty - 那或许就是空虚孤寂
Oh and weightless and maybe - 哦,我乏力无劲,也许
I'll find some peace tonight - 今晚我才能找到一些宁静
In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上
Fly away from here - 从这里飞向天际
From this dark cold hotel room - 远离黑暗冷寂的房间
And the endlessness that you fear - 和你惧怕的一切
You are pulled from the wreckage - 你从绝望中挣脱
Of your silent reverie - 留下寂静的幻想
You're in the arms of the angel - 你在天使的肩膀上
May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平
So tired of the straight line - 每天为工作事业奔波劳累
And everywhere you turn - 犹豫在每个十字路口上
Cause vultures and thieves at your back - 因为奸贼和小人总是在你身旁
The storm keeps on twisting - 风暴总是不停延蔓
Keep on buliding the lies - 继续编造着谎言
That you make up for all that you lack - 继续为你的名利空耗心扉
It don't make no difference - 那有什么区别
Escape one last time - 最后不是也要远离尘世
It's easier to believe - 那是多么简单的事情
In this sweet madness - 陷入甜蜜的疯狂
Oh, this glorious sadness - 哦,这么光荣的悲伤
That brings me to my kness - 那带我去到天堂
In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上
Fly away from here - 从这里飞向天际
From this dark cold hotel room - 远离黑暗冷寂的房间
And the endlessness that you fear - 和你惧怕的一切
You are pulled from the wreckage - 你从绝望中挣脱
Of your silent reverie - 留下寂静的幻想
You're in the arms of the angel - 你在天使的肩膀上
May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平
In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上
May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平
some comfort here - 在这里将心抚平
May the Angel bless me...
& people around me...
Monday, April 12, 2010
For those GIRLS that DREAM to marry RICH GUYS
本人25岁,非常漂亮,是那种让人惊艳的漂亮;谈吐文雅,有品位。想嫁给年薪 50万美元的人。你也许会说我贪心,但在纽约年薪100万才算是中产,本人的要求其实不高。
这个版上有没有年薪超过 50万的人?你们都结婚了吗?我想请教各位一个问题——怎样才能嫁给你们这样的有钱人?
我约会过的人中,最有钱的年薪 25万,这似乎是我的上限。要住进纽约中心公园以西的高档住宅区,年薪25万远远不够
有几个具体的问题:一、有钱的单身汉一般都在哪里消磨时光? (请列出酒吧、饭店、健身房的名字和详细地址。)
用华尔街术语说,每笔交易都有一个仓位,跟你交往属于“交易仓位”(trading position),一旦价值下跌就要立即抛售,而不宜长期持有 ——也就是你想要的婚姻。听起来很残忍,但对一件会加速贬值的物资,明智的选择是租赁,而不是购入。年薪能超过50万的人,当然都不是傻瓜,因此我们只会跟你交往,但不会跟你结婚。所以我劝你不要苦苦寻找嫁给有钱人的秘方。顺便说一句,你倒可以想办法把自己变成年薪50万的人,这比碰到一个有钱的傻瓜的胜算要大。
Monday, March 22, 2010
要送她大大束的花,还有大大只可爱的熊熊 :)
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
February 2010

It actually work as a mirror
& now an creative idea
+ advertising tool for MOS ..
So i think our school is encouraging go to relax
& shake shake sometime to de-stress :p

Luckily it turn out not so tough as the name sounds
and yes...
My calculator that has been kept as artifact
finally revive again....
p/s: luckily still got battery

The environment is really nice
but it's only for LUMS student
compare to UTAR, smelly library...
It's definitely heaven & hell
We dont have to go to library anymore

We have special access to use this lounge,
Astro % sofas samore in the lounge
choosing Sunway to study
& choosing Lancaster University
is One of the best decision
I ever made :)
Gong Xi Fa Chai
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Chinese New Year plan

Finally i have finish my super duper tough
Management Information System..
The assignment is so tough,
It's OK for me to use Excel for Part 1
but Part 2 with Access? OMG...
But luckily,
With the help of my lovely teammate
David & Pei-lin
We have manage to complete
Come out with a whole set of TPS system
Sunday, January 31, 2010
A lot of improvement,
A lot of Up, DOWN, up, UP, & UP again..
Even there is still a DOWN,
But i guess this is what life is it. Agree?
Love myself as i always do..
Love my far far away but my family that always make me feel so close..
Love all my friends, Love the path i have choosen
And whatelse??
Everything in this great life...
I guess as a Marketer,
We will always get to see the truth behind all the lies,
Intended mislead, Facial expression, Tone changing..
Whatever darkness in our life..it will always be part of our life
Just look from another perspective,
Life is great, & maybe this is part of it that make great..
Just keep our self focus & the ability to differentiate right & wrong,
Stand away from the darkness & once think back,
You'll never regret.
OK! End the grandma story
Here it is...
TE DENG....................................
Let me intro my soulmate,

P/s: I love it so so so much...
+oil Dean...
Great Life, Great Future is waiting for me...
No matter how tired it is now...
The fruit of success will be twice sweeter than the hardwork today :)
Good night..
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
- 钟灵中学的学生是纪律化的 :
他遇事镇静,有判断能力,绝对服从真理, 处处顾到秩序。 - 钟灵中学的学生是尊重的 :
他言行不苟,尊重父母、师长、和团体的领袖。 - 钟灵中学的学生是忠诚的 :
他处世以诚,不说一句谎话,或做一件欺骗的事情,受了人家的嘱托,肯负责去做。他看学校如自己的家庭,事事物物,无不竭诚爱护。 - 钟灵中学的学生是勤俭的 :
他勤于学业,刻苦耐劳,不浪费时间,并能充份利用他的机会。他节省费用,乐以助济他人,或达到他个人有价值的目的。 - 钟灵中学的学生是谦恭的 :
他以礼待人,态度谦逊,出言和善,对于妇孺老弱,更知爱护,且有相当敬意。 - 钟灵中学的学生是勇敢的 :
他有主持正义,疾恶如仇,不避艰险的勇气。他不受谄媚,不怕威吓,任何失败,不能灰他的心志。 - 钟灵中学的学生是清洁的 :
他保持他的身体、思想、言语、习惯的清洁。他参与清洁运动,便环境美化。 - 钟灵中学的学生是乐群的 :
他没有怪僻的脾气,和不近人情的行为。对于利群的事情,从来不规避 ,总能拥护多数人的意思,通力合作,以求其实现。 - 钟灵中学的学生是乐观的 :
他时常含有笑容,能敏捷的,愉快的,尽他分内的职务,事务愈困难,心中愈快乐。 - 钟灵中学的学生是进取的 :
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Penang Bridge Night Scene
Finally its 2010,
No matter how it would be,
I will really look forward for it!!
As I know & I am sure,
It will be a very fantastic year & happy year
Good Luck to my beloved family members,
Good Luck to myself,
& of course all my friends....
Hereby share with you
My House night view
Hope you like it...
Perhaps we shall have a BBQ someday..
Take care :)