First of all, before i move on,
There is a short thank you ceremony..lolx
I must thank Quinta, Elaine & Kelly for their present
The super nice bonzai above is prepared by Quinta..
I like it so so so much...
Thank you Quinta,
You are so kind! :)
I must also thank kelly for the ba guasss she bought from HK
It's so nice..
& have become my 干粮
And most important, Elaine
She brought too many things for me
Italy biscuit, Italy chocolate, Rambutan, Prune
& too many d...
Thank you, it's my pleasure to work with you all...
They din appear in the photos below,
next time will take photo with all of them
Look forward ^^

Best thing that happen onec reach end of the month
= salary come out, dompet thick thick
Bad thing = my assignment due on tml
& now i m writting blog...
Okie...just a quick 1..
Our Employees benefits.. :p
(2 secret recipe cake so put "s" in benefit,
samore got lemang,
ayam rendang
& ketupat)
Our Raymond Lai is so busy taking foto...

Funny Mr.Tham face

Ho ho ho
Bee Chen!! Not i zhi lian ya..
I jz saw tis foto when copy out foto

Must be Raymond Lai again..
Anyway, i dont really blame him
He has got what he deserve
Karma of play other ppl Iphone and take foto
= at last sendiri cant control buy 1.. :p

Cute Ming Ming in the early morning..
crawl at sofa like ulat....
btw, tis is where i stay... :)
Thats all 1st...
Take care &
keep pressing refresh til my new blog come out ya