Date: 27 Mar 2009
Venue: Queens' Park > 1 Utama > Full House
Time: 1pm til 1am...LOL..
KL Poodle & shopping trip
p/s: the poodle really melt pei ling's heart...
faster go buy lo...ur baby is waiting for u.. =p
Sleep quite late the night before today
Waken up by a tragedy "alarm" during the early morning..
Guess things did not change..
Miserable person still put themselves in the miserable situation.
& luckily i manage Not-To get involve
some ppl just nvr learn & nvr understand..
After tat luckily i manage to sleep back and attend the morning class @ 10am
After tat went to cheras queenspark wif pei ling @ ke xin
went there to see poodle & do some shopping
Quite sometime did not go out with pei ling d..
It's rain like cats & dogs..

Afterward i ve decide to go 1Utama since it is a lovely friday
Guess nobody want to plan mushroom @ home rite?? haha..
& guess we end out for our dinner??
Full House again....

lie ching mz b saying _____ after read my bog:
wa...u went Full House again,
u really like Full House hor...
rite?? lie ching.. hahaha...
Btw, look forward for our Luna Bar plan oo..
ching, +oil +oil !! make the stationary move..Faber Castle move!

erm...still not get use to wear things on my head....
Not much changes after last visit..
Beside they hv much more customers,
same things happen to their customer ( me )
still like to take photo around there...
& try tis try tat....
Anyway hope u all'l still enjoy my photos..
will u??? hehex

p/s: pei ling looks like the pretty teacher
in the singapore movie LOVE MATTERS rite rite???
if u do turn on ur speaker,
u might realized i ve change my blog song
from Mariah Carey - I stay in love
Bon Jovi - It's my life..
few reasons ...
1. hehex..previously put ISILove is bcz heard it from natalie's blog
& really like it very much..
Hope everything is fine with u in Sydney..
& faster update ur blog oo...
2. Realize that tis song lyric is very very meaningful !!The song have the philosophy of
how the author want his life to be,
& guess what? we hv same philosophy toward life..

I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd 我不希望自己只是芸芸众生之一
You're gonna hear my voice 你将会听到我的声音
When I shout it out loud 当我大声呐喊出来
It's my life 这是我的人生
It's now or never 把握现在,机会稍纵即逝
I ain't gonna live forever 我不希望长生不死
I just want to live while I'm alive 我只想趁活著得时候认真的生活
(It's my life) (这是我的人生)
Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake 毫无疑问的,未来日趋艰辛
Luck ain't even lucky 幸运不再幸运
Got to make your own breaks 你必须自己寻求突破
Better stand tall when they're calling you out 当别人找你麻烦,挺直身子
Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down 不要屈服,不要放弃,宝贝,不要畏缩
& here...
It's a short message for the miserable 1
tat almost ruine my day... phew...

We choose our own life...
You choose ur's..
My life is Quality, Meaningful, Fantastic, Interesting, Comfortable & Luxurious =)
If u decide to make ur own life suffer
Iguess it's ur responsibility,
I ve try my best & now,
I no longer want to care
& i don care whether how u will end up anymore
But pls,
don sms me in my early comfortable 5am
while i am sleeping & ask me to save u again...
p/s: guess tats the reason y ppl invent silent modeThis is not the way my life shall be &
Not the way i want my life TO BE..

To all happy & lucky faces...
( dono y saying tis automatically make me thought of Happy-fall-frens )
To: happy4frens, haha.... wei... faster come KL leh...
Really hope can hang out with all happy & frendly faces..
spend our happy time together
& like to make new frens.. =)
so after view my blog mz call me hang-out oo..
i always ON 1... Lol...
ok la..hope u enjoy my blog..
see u..XO